Sunday, January 18, 2009


I hate the word Divorce.

I have never had to experience it first hand, but I have seen some of the people in my life go through it. I have to upfront about the fact that I never been married. I am just not at the point in my life where I want to be yet, but I intend to be in the future. However, despite that point, I still hate the word Divorce. I hate it because people always seem to jump to as a first option to any little problem in a marriage. I know that marriage comes down to making it work or not, but it seems like no one wants to even try.

I know that marriage should be based on love, but I am sure there are many people out there that have had an arrange marriage or a shotgun wedding, who will say that you learn to love that person, or you just make it work.

Divorce should not be an option unless it simply gets so bad that it is really needed. I know the argument is that people are unhappy if they have to deal with it, but my argument is that before you get married, make sure it is really what you want, make sure you want to spend your life with that person.

When you divorce it effects everyone and everything around you. It is pretty traumatic, especially for children, and that is why marriage should not be taken so lightly.

I say all of this, because I do not believe in Divorce as an option. I hate what it has become. You can not married thinking that you will just refund the marriage, just in case it does not work out. I know sometimes it is needed. I do not argue with that. I am just saying that it should not be an option from day 1.

1 comment:

  1. Amen to all the above. It's certainly destructive to all involved.
