Saturday, November 15, 2008

Driving through clouds

After all that is been going on, it is nice to see even nature is trying to be back on schedule. The true cold front winds are passing through. On Thursday, I drove through some fog on my way to work. The denser parts of the fog had already risen to about the eighth floor on buildings. It was really beautiful. I did not have my camera with me, otherwise I would show everyone.

My thoughts have been on storing. I know I mentioned this the other day. I have also thought about transport for my storing, if I was to flee. Car would be no good if there was any type of EMP disturbance or simply if I have no gas. So the choices are either an old (1970's and before) car which runs on near to no electronic devices, or something self propelled (eg: a bike.) However, if I was fleeing, a bike would not be the best choice because there is cover, so it would be relatively unsafe.

I know my ranting thoughts seem a little tin foilish, but bear with me. I believe preparing. If I had not, Ike would of been far worse for me. If events like Ike can happen, which most people did not see coming, what is to say other things can not. They are quite plausible, otherwise the government would not do the drills they do, or promote preparation as they do.

I would like to mention I am not so wrapped in preparing that I do not live. I can not understand those who get so wrapped in what they do, may it be video games, preparing, religion, work, or what ever else is their thing. Do not forget to live. You need to prepare, but preparing is about survival and living, so what is the point if you don't live? When I say live, I do not mean breaking laws or hurting people. I simply mean enjoy the people around you. Be cognitive of what is going on around you.

A side note: I did mention religion. I mentioned religion, because I know people who do nothing but go to church. Now, I have no quarrels about church. It is a good thing. But, if you spend all your time at church, then are you doing what you are learned at church?

You all take care of yourselves. Like I have said before pay attention to the news. Read multiple sources, and if you can read the news in different languages. The way another country reports about something happening here can be quite different than the news we are receiving. A good source for news is It sums up all the news in one place. I find it to be more honest then a lot of major news networks.

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