Monday, April 28, 2008

Dental Plans Versus Dentals Insurance

I should not have to disclaimer myself, but I do not wish anyone to take my opinions and use it against me.

**disclaimer: I am not endorsing or advertising any companies I mention below; therefore can not be held liable for anything. Also, I am basing my opinions upon my own research and can not be held liable for inaccuracy. I do suggest everyone to do their own research. **

This is only about dental plans and dental insurance.
Just to mention, I am not as familiar with other types of medical needs.

I do believe dental plans are better than dental insurance.

Dental plans are basically a discount plan.
They work like your local grocery store cards. (E.g. Kroger’s, Randall’s)
Just like other discount plans, they hope by getting you to join a discount plan will increase your use of a dentist. They have a list of providers that are under the plan at which you will be able to get a discount from.
They emphasis on preventive care. Such as going to the dentist and having your teeth clean on a regular basis, and give you more discounts towards preventive care.
By taking of your teeth early on keep from more expensive problems from forming.
Dental Plan do not dismiss you based on pre-existing conditions which is plus for some people.

However, they do charge a fee in order for you to get a discount.
In addition, you are limited to a list of doctors, but the way to get around that is to pick a plan that includes a more doctors. Also, typically one is locked for the first year, but has the option being month to month afterwards.

Depending on your insurance, it will cover most expenses. However, the problem becomes where your expense become greater than what allowed in the insurance regulations. Say if you insurance only allows two dentist visits, but you have to have a third, because a tooth chipped. It will come out of pocket, and the insurance may overcharge you. There are limitations on what you may have done and who you have to see. With a dental plan, there are not limitations on how much work you can have done. Also, many insurance plans will deny you from benefits if you have a pre-exisiting problems.

My personal opinion is if you have dental insurance as a benefit at work, use it. Your teeth are important, and if you neglect them, problems will become worse. I do think if you have dental insurance then use it would be wise to use it along with a dental plan. That way you are not limited on taking care of the only set of teeth you will ever have. (not counting baby teeth)
By taking care of your teeth will save you money in the run, and you will be able to keep you teeth.

If you do not have a dental insurance, think about getting a dental plan.
I have included some of my favorite plans below.

The first plan is a dental and optical plan. This is good if you constantly need optical care.

This is dental only.

Remember to take care of yourself.

Enjoy and best wishes.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


At one point or another, just about everyone will live in a house.
Unless you plan to buy your house with cash, you will have to look at getting a mortage.

I found this article on the basics of mortages.
Hope it is helpful for anyone that needs it.

Yahoo is not very good about keeping their links alive, so I am not sure if this link will always work.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

For Your Amusement

Ebay song by Weird Al

I found it to be amusing. I hope you will enjoy.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Secret Seats

According to this video, there are secret seat on an airplane available for you comfort and enjoyment.


Eeny Miney Mo, McCain

I had a discussion recently on whom will McCain pick as his running mate.

There are rumors on several people.

It is likely to be either, Condoleezza, Romeny, or Huckabee.

Condoleezza is educated, well experienced, and may bring in the African American Vote. However, there is not much known about her political views besides she is Republican. It would be particularly difficult to predict how the South may react.

Romeny is very similar to McCain in political views. He also seems to be the one that gets along with McCain the best, and was running in second place to McCain the Republican Primaries. However, this does not help McCain receive more votes, because he is so similar to McCain.

Huckabee is also well experienced. He would bring in the Evangelical votes in the South. However, he and McCain do not seem to get along as well, therefore they would not look as unified.

I personally favor Huckabee as a running mate, but each to their own, I suppose.

It is hard to be a first born.

On FOX news yesterday, they reported a study that proves that the first born child has it harder than his/ her siblings.

Don't know if it is really true. I have felt it always has been, but my father insists there are advantages to being the eldest.

Go check it out and see what you think.


Enjoy and be well.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Feed The Pig

As I watch television, late at night, I see a public service announcement on saving money.

Even though not everyone is a saver, saving money is important.
I have been given the advice to save for least two months of living expenses; six if you are in the construction business.

Even in the Great Depression, those who had saved and diversified their savings did somewhat okay during that time.

Currently we are in a recession. There have been whispers of another depression, however those comments are hushed. People do not wish to create panic. Nevertheless, it is necessary to prepare. It would be foolish not to prepare.

It is worth you time to check out the site:

Best wishes and be well!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Earthquake in Illinois

Talk about strange.

Enjoy and be well!


This post goes in a different direction than most of my posts.

It is important to take care of those you love.
It is important to not take them granted.
When you do, you loose those people.

Try to always find out something new about those you love.

Take care all!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Routine is important.

Routine keeps us stable.
Routine makes you a better survivalist, because it keeps you healthy and ready to battle anything that comes you way.

When I say routine, I mean a good routine.
One with good food, exercise, and learning new things.
Not only is good food good for you, but it usually cheaper. (as long you buy in season food.)

To start any routine, you need to take it step by step.
With food, start with eating at least one vegetable (a good green vegetable) with each meal.
Do not drink soft drink with your meals. They tell the body to store food instead of processing which causes weight gain.

With exercise, walk more often. Start out with a five minute walk, and increase it a minute each day.

Routine is good, as it is good routine.

Enjoy and stay well!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Forgotten Survivalist.

In the history of mankind, we use to be survivalists.
We use to know how to skin a rabbit, tie knots, shoot our food, and other forms of communication.
However with technology, we have forgotten the simple things.
We are bound to technology.
If electricity goes out, we feel so helpless and cut off from the world.
I know we can use generators, but many do not have one.

We need to learn basics again.
We need to tie knots, make fires, make shelters, to be creative and make stories without television.

My advices to all, if it is beautiful outside, today, go enjoy it. Fly a kite; go shooting at your local shooting range, or even maybe do some yard work. The fresh air is good for you, and makes you a better survivalist.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Freedom II

Our development structure is quite different than many other countries.
We believe in the individual right should triumph over the collective.
Many countries do not.
They believe the collective right should triumph over the individual.
Those who live in the collective environment do not tend to even think about the possibility of individual right. Of course that is due to the fact those who do speak out are typically scorned.

Currently it is the collective right that seems to be gradually winning.
We make laws that protect the collective. However, many of a time, it takes away from the individual.

On the side note, I would like to mention: IT IS THE SECOND ADMENDMENT THAT PROTECTS THE FIRST! Do not forget this.

Enjoy, and be well.

Monday, April 7, 2008


The Freedom we know today is different from the Freedom in the time of our parents, our parents' parents, so forth going back.
It can be said some rights have been gained.
However, it can also be said some rights have been lost.
The question becomes the collective versus the individual.

Growing up most people just accept "the way things are."
They do not question the rules, regulations, and laws.
Yet these are the same people, when new rules are put into place, they are angry, but their children just sees it as "the way things are."

Needless to say there will be more rules, more laws.
Every time some one messes up, there will be a regulation passes, so it doesn't happen again. Soon enough no one can do anything.

What perturbs me the most is people are putting chips into their pets.
Pets are animals. I do not think anyone will disagree; however, when there is talk of doing it to children, and to all people. That is just disturbing. What is more disturbing is that there are people are actually in favor of it. Your privacy doesn't matter. You will have no freedom whatsoever. But some people say that is the way to go. That way we can protect everyone. People claim, if you have nothing to hide, then it will not matter.

Does it matter to you? Do you want someone always looking over your shoulder?

When George Orwell wrote 1984, he was not too far from the the mark. He predicted we would be watched all the time. We would be told what to, when to do it, and how to do it.

Is the future we want?