Monday, April 7, 2008


The Freedom we know today is different from the Freedom in the time of our parents, our parents' parents, so forth going back.
It can be said some rights have been gained.
However, it can also be said some rights have been lost.
The question becomes the collective versus the individual.

Growing up most people just accept "the way things are."
They do not question the rules, regulations, and laws.
Yet these are the same people, when new rules are put into place, they are angry, but their children just sees it as "the way things are."

Needless to say there will be more rules, more laws.
Every time some one messes up, there will be a regulation passes, so it doesn't happen again. Soon enough no one can do anything.

What perturbs me the most is people are putting chips into their pets.
Pets are animals. I do not think anyone will disagree; however, when there is talk of doing it to children, and to all people. That is just disturbing. What is more disturbing is that there are people are actually in favor of it. Your privacy doesn't matter. You will have no freedom whatsoever. But some people say that is the way to go. That way we can protect everyone. People claim, if you have nothing to hide, then it will not matter.

Does it matter to you? Do you want someone always looking over your shoulder?

When George Orwell wrote 1984, he was not too far from the the mark. He predicted we would be watched all the time. We would be told what to, when to do it, and how to do it.

Is the future we want?

1 comment:

  1. Glock Perfection is better than .gov perfection, protect yourself.
