Saturday, January 9, 2010

Prep No Fail

I am pretty pleased with myself recently. I been in quite few situations lately were being prepared has really paid of. For example, the other day, I managed to minimize the time I had to spend battling the wind to feed the meter, (it so windy here that I could barely stand without being pushed by the wind) because I had thought ahead and packed a bag of change a few weeks ago for my car. Also, recently, when I picked up take-out and the soup container broke as I got home, but because I thought ahead and done all the dishes and pan/potware ahead of time, I was able to easily transfer the soup to the soup pot without loosing much of the soup and without much of a mess.

I have come to realize that being prepared is not just about survival, but it is about making your daily life easier and less stressful. Each time I needed something, it was there. I didn't have to search for it, or spend more time having to clean up and fix something. I was even able to help out my friends a couple times It doesn't seem like much, but when thing just fall into place when you need it, it is a good feeling, and just makes everything easier.

Take care and be well to all.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Saving is like Dieting

Well, I did not drop off the face of the Earth.

I simply had nothing to say.

Anyway we all know I am all about saving money, so here is good link about some simple ways to save money. Even if you have read these tips before or whichever, it is still a good reminder of things to remember to do.

I like how the the article compares saving to dieting. It is a matter of mind set. Dieting is not really about loosing weight, but having a mind set of eating healthy and taking care of yourself.

Take care!

Friday, January 1, 2010