Sunday, November 30, 2008


On, they are doing a special event called Movies for the Holidays.
Currently, they have the movie Gattaca in its full length. (You all should watch it. It is a good movie!)

This movie scared me a bit, because I know it is pretty much all possible already.

On the side note the word Gattaca comes from the first letters of the hydrogen bonds of DNA.(GATC)

After seeing the movie last night, I came upon this article today in which a school is testing the children via genetics to see which child would be the best for what sports. It seemed like Deja Vu to me.

What do you all think? Is this a way we want to go?


  1. Yes, it's dejavu...thee were many stories during the Olympics about how the Chinese are doing this- as do quite a few other countries. Not sure if they're all using DNA, but similar tactics, I imagine. that the one with what's-her-name and the asylum where she doesn't know if she's coming or going? Didn't much care for it- or the heroine, but that's just me: I need a more simple plot, like Mercury Rising (uh-huh, sure, Jim!)
    Happy post- Thanksgiving, Shy

  2. No, it has Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman (She played in Kill Bill), where the society is completely based on genetics.
    If you click on where it says Gattaca in my post it links it to the movie, and has a good summary on the page. I highly recommend watching it, and it is free to watch.(Canon Cameras is sponsoring it, so bear with the few short commercials.)
